Your Thyroid Lab Analyzer Result:
Your thyroid hormone levels are too high.
The most common reasons are that you are taking too much thyroid medication or your thyroid is making too much hormone.
This is a dangerous state and you want to take immediate steps to correct it.
Learn more in this video.
Learn More about your Results!
Did You Know Up to 70% of People Can Regain Thyroid Function?
Naturally, you will feel better when you get the right guidance.
What if you had a unique, personalized plan to follow? With support at every step of the way and a doctor to guide you?

Your journey is unique. This program is
designed to fit your needs.
Up to 70% or more of people who get the right guidance & dietary strategies
can feel better and regain thyroid function.
Yes, YOU CAN regain your full vibrant health!

Note: Working with my doctors requires an additional fee.
Patient visits are only available in the U.S.

Over my 2 decades in practice and over 100,000 patient visits, I have found that up to 70% of people can regain their thyroid function with the proper guidance. In many cases, these issues are easy to correct, but hundreds of thousands of people go without the proper treatment due to inaccurate diagnosis, expensive healthcare costs, or even simple geography.
There should be no reason why thousands of others can’t benefit from these scientifically-proven, all-natural solutions that have helped so many of my own patients. That’s why I decided to create this plan with weekly teaching, access to me, no geographical limitations, and at a cost that nearly anyone can afford.
This program has been clinically proven by myself and my team of physicians at Integrative Health. Because of our experience, it’s likely that you can regain thyroid function in just a few weeks.
If you’re struggling with thyroid symptoms, but nothing you’ve tried seems to work, then I encourage you to give the Personalized Thyroid Plan a try. It’s different than anything else available, has worked for my patients, and I’m confident it will work for you too. If thyroid issues have kept you from the health you want, I’d like to help you reclaim it so you can live free of those limits.
There’s a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you’re unhappy, there is no risk. You will discover the plan that is unique for YOU by enrolling in this program. Imagine feeling better, getting your energy back, and regaining thyroid function. My team and I, plus an incredibly supportive community of people are here to meet you.
Yours in good health,

“Before starting this plan, I lost hope that I could ever feel like I used to. I was on a path to nowhere, not caring about my health anymore because I thought there was nothing I could do. I learned I didn’t have to accept that I was always going to feel crappy.”
– Claudia D.
Here’s What You Get With The Personalized Thyroid Plan
When you enroll, you’ll enjoy 9 full weeks of personalized instruction, showing you exactly how to safely get your thyroid working again,
from the comfort of home, including:
- Instructional Videos from Dr. Christianson
- Guided Instructions and Action Steps
- Recipes & Meal Plans
- Recommendations to Help You
- Progress Checks
- A Q&A where Dr. C answers your top thyroid questions
- A Private Facebook Community
- Special offers and discounts on supplements
When You Enroll Today, You’ll Also Receive These Bonuses…
Bonus #1 – Dr. C’s Thyroid Friendly Sourdough Recipe

Bonus #2: Lifetime Digital Access to the Invisible Iodine Documentary ($99 Value)

Bonus #3: Private Facebook Group

Join my private Facebook group – just for members. Your questions get answered quickly by my team. And you’ll even see me jumping in there when I can too.
Here is what one of our members said about one of my other private Facebook groups; “By far the most supportive group I’ve ever encountered. Above and beyond.”
A game plan to tailor to my needs.
“It wasn't until I had lab work done that showed my thyroid completely changed from when I started… I am no longer symptomatic at my baseline. I had to stop taking thyroid medication because my thyroid kicked in again after all these years.” – Janice
Best Health Decision Ever!!
“Dr. Christianson’s [plan] gave me restful sleep, calmed my hypertension, and (my husband says) a better personality. My hair is growing, not as dry or brittle, and tolerance to being cold is better. Anxious to see my TSH result at my next medical visit.” – Amy
I've lost 8 pounds without even trying.
“After the first 4 weeks, I noticed that my body fat didn't look as fatty and felt firmer. I definitely have more energy and feel more positive and uplifted recently--something my partner mentioned he'd noticed too. I'm also calmer.”
- Heather B
I feel so much better.
“I was eating more types of food than I was before on the diet for AIP. I have lowered anxiety and muscle pain. I know my thyroid is getting better because I feel so much better.”
- Claudia D

I now need barely any thyroid medication.
“After following the recommendations, I now need barely any thyroid medication. My doctor kept giving me a smaller dose each time. I’ve struggled for so long with Hashimoto’s and thought there was nothing else I could do to help myself. I’m so grateful.” – Annie H
Here’s The Best Part...
The plan will work toward helping you regain thyroid function.
Now you will have a guided, step-by-step program, spanning 9 weeks. The recommendations will give you a plan for positive change, help you make food choices, and track your wins as you build better health. You’ll have access to me and my team, plus a community of like minded health-seekers. You are not alone.

The Personalized Thyroid Plan is for you if:
You have Hyper/hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s , Graves, thyroid cancer, or unexplained symptoms caused by a malfunctioning thyroid
You have thyroid symptoms such as weight gain, skin problems, hair loss, brain fog
Your thyroid issues may be causing insomnia, mood swings, irritability, or depression
You seek a guided plan with action steps so you’ll always know exactly what to do next
The Plan is not for you if:
You can feel better. Help is available. In fact, you can start today.
Normally, this plan and all the bonuses would cost over $197. But this entire package gives you access to the exact same personalized plan that I prescribe my patients for a fraction of the cost.
Getting healthy does not have to be difficult.
Getting healthy should not be risky. I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied. No questions asked.